It may not be surprising to know that Fiverr is an online store that has been raised countless Internet millionaires.

Usually it is only meant to offer its expertise as a $ 5 service may seem daunting, but the truth is that most of us do not accept the offer of $ 5 Still others beg and desire for these $ 5 offer.

His curiosity must be that the difference between these two categories of "Fiverrians" is. Everything would depend on the level of professionalism. But I will not go into it now, because the purpose of this post is to identify the mistakes that people make with Fiverr and therefore get nothing.

Ready to kill him? Digging!


First Fiverr is not seen as a job

This is the biggest mistake anyone could make. Although the May seem like a personal fiverr thing (as when the title of the show usually starts with, "I will ..."), but in the central reality of the latter, Fiverr is a serious matter.

To make money fiverr should treat your profile fiverr how to handle his job.

You should talk to your customers as a customer service representative experience when the message instead of talking to them, as you talk with your Facebook friends. You must use formal tones and correct spelling to keep customers coming back.

Second promise that he can not deliver

A perfect example of where people are wrong about it in terms of delivery.

Fiverr does not penalize establish 10 days of delivery for a simple brochure design (as long as customers are fine with it). However, setting up a 24-hour delivery time and finally deliver the last thing that will affect the result.

This explains why they have heard people say, "I got orders, but suddenly stopped."

3. When you're too afraid of their customers

I told Fiverr should be treated as a business. And in general, should not be afraid of their customers, which will enable them to abuse their business. Feel free to let them know their conditions of service. And it does not sound like a desperate seller.

4th stupid mistakes

The fact is, Nigerians and citizens of other countries Fiverr create their accounts under the flag of the United States.

If not, then you can make a lot of sales (at least in my experience). However, some providers tend to forget what they have done wrong, and respond to customers, especially when it comes to making excuses.

Take for example a situation where we could deliver tasks on time and went to tell his customer (perhaps the United States) who are not able to deliver on time because there was no light during the day or because of poor network in humans. It's funny, but some of it ... lol

Another mistake at this stage not to sound like a native BILINGUAL as shown in your profile. Your customers will quickly notice that. So, learn their speech or writing sample.

5. Be absent

I always tell my students that an important key to success in Fiverr is to stay in line at the right time. No matter professionally, maybe you think you are, customers often send messages that are online.

Whenever I have the orders in line just to get new orders come in and do other things in a separate tab.

6. Conduct security problems

If you simulate your profile, then I recommend to skip the question Fiverr safety. This feature may seem useful, but it is actually a trap.

If fiverr felt the mixture into its IP address (perhaps because you forgot to put your VPN) most likely to restart the answer to the security question. The goal is to contact customer service, and when you do, you will be asked your true identity. Until then, the expulsion is safe.

I hope these tips will help you grow your business in fiverr. So, we will kill you guys!
Each addition or subtraction?

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