This is the second country, just days after more than three million Nigerians are suspended by a decision to freeze their accounts in the system.

MMM is to convince members of the Ghana get the success of the program in Nigeria.

Ponzi scheme on its Facebook said: "2017 will be a great year of success that MMM train is finally here.

Join the club's donation which will help create wealth. Donate and recovery of an additional 30% ...

Make a donation GHC100, Receiving donations GHC130 after 30 days. This has created enormous wealth for Nigeria, present here in Ghana.

ROME: After Kenya Ghana MMM storm
ROME: After Kenya Ghana MMM storm

Also read: Leader MMM Chuddy Ugorj finally responding to the new account frozen

Nigerians join Ghana platform to spread their wealth. "

The plan also said: "... MMM Ghana HURRA started now ... it has been successful in Nigeria for a year.

Get 30% a month with your first donation (donation of 100 GH, GH receive 130 after 30 days) "

Doubling the popular money plan froze accounts to their subscribers, on Tuesday, December 13th, after apparently warned Nigerians were not "disproportionate greedy".

Plan blamed the "work" experience their servers and panic caused by the Nigerian government and the media for the development, but said he would be back in mid-January 2017.

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