Xup everyone so Happy to announce to you guys that the MTN YouTube Ehi Tunnelling File on Http injector is now available y and rocking well :100:

Been busy with different tweaks, so sorry for the delay, but now is now live isn't that cool.
File made available with the help of @jams a very good friend of mine

With this file you will be able to stream and download anything online not only YouTube itself.

yt_1200-vfl4C3T0K.png-Mtn 2018 Youtube Ehi Tunnelling File For Powering Your Device On Http Injector

For more information about this MTN YouTube Night click here >> Hacked! - Enjoy Non-stop Streaming And Downloading On Youtube Or Youtube Go App Via The Mtn Network

To get the file rocking,

Download here >> Download MTN YouTube Night⚡.ehi and import the file on Http Injector

It's currently unlimited with maximum speed!

Note; with different test carried out shows that the file is currently working on some selected MTN Sims and not all, but will continue to find a means so it can work on every sim.

Enjoy y'all and stay tuned to jackobian.com for all lastest tweak updates!

Don't forget to share with everyone because sharing is caring, see y'all :cool::peace:

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